In English
Grammar Tense is used to refer to
time of an action or event.
Tense is the
concept of time which may be present, past or future.
কোন কাজ সম্পাদনের সময়কে
tense বা কাল বলে। Tense দ্বারা সময়কে উল্লেখ করা হয় এবং যা বর্তমান, অতীত কিংবা ভবিষ্যত হতে পারে।
- I eat rice.
- I ate rice.
- I will eat
rice. (Future)
Present Tense এর চারটি form রয়েছে
• Present
Indefinite Tense
• Present
Continuous Tense
• Present
Perfect Tense
• Present
Perfect Continuous Tense
বর্তমান কালে
কোন কাজ
করা হয়ে
থাকে, অথবা
অভ্যাসগতভাবে করা
হয়, অথবা
চির সত্য
কোন কাজ
বোঝালে তাকে Present
Tense ব্যবহার করা হয়।
describes an action that is true, regular or normal. It uses the main verb or base form of the verb or the
root verb.
Positive Sentence: Subject + main verb + complement
He goes to School.
Negative Sentence: Subject + Do not/Does not + main verb + object
Example: He
does not go to School.
Question Sentence: Do/ Does + Subject + Main verb + Object + Note of interrogation (?)
Example: Does
he go to school?
Using ‘Be verb’ (am/is/are): Subject + be verb
(am/is/are) + object
Positive: I am a good boy.
Negative: I am not a good boy.
Negative: I am not a good boy.
Interrogative: Am
I not good boy?
Present Continuous Tense
বর্তমানকালে বা অদূর/নিকট ভবিষ্যতে কোন কাজ চলছে/চলবে বোঝালে Present
Continuous Tense ব্যবহার করতে হয়।
The present
continuous tense designates an action that is being continued or going to
be continued
in the near future.
Positive Sentence: Subject + am/is/are + main verb + ing + object
Example: He is
going to School.
Negative Sentence: Subject + am/is/are + not + Main verb + ing + object
Example: He is
not going to School.
Question Sentence: Am/is/are + subject + main verb + ing + object + Note of interrogation (?)
Example: Is
he going to school?
Present Perfect Tense
কোন কাজ শেষ হয়ে গেছে অথচ তার ফল এখনও বিদ্যমান আছে, এরকম বোঝালে present perfect tense ব্যবহৃত হয়।
describes the work which has been done, but the effect exists till now.
Positive sentence: Subject + have/has + past participle form of verb + object
Example: He has done the work.
Negative sentence: Subject + have/has + not + past participle form of verb + object
Example: He has not eaten rice.
Interrogative sentence: Have/has + subject + past participle form of verb + object + ?
Example: Has he done the homework?
Present Perfect Continuous
কোন কাজ পূর্বে শুরু হয়ে এখনও চলছে বোঝালে Present
perfect continuous tense ব্যবহৃত হয়।
work started in the past and it is still running is called Present perfect
continuous tense.
সময়ের উল্লেখ থাকে।
Example: I have been walking for two hours - আমি দুই ঘন্টা যাবৎ হাটছি।
He has been working in this office for five
years - সে এই অফিসে পাঁচ বছর যাবৎ কাজ করছে।
Positive sentence: Subject + have been/has been + main verb + ing + since/from/for + object.
Example: He has been
reading this newspaper for two hours.
Negative sentence: Subject + have
not/has not + been + main verb + ing + since/from/for + object.
Example: I have not been walking for two hours.
Interrogative sentence:Have/has + subject + been + main verb + ing + since/for (if needed) +
object + ?
Example: Has he been watching the movie?
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